house plans
The design given here is suggested for the tree swallow but should
suit a variety of sparrow sized birds. Place the bird house at least
5 feet above ground level in a sunny, open area.
by marking a 4 feet long 3/4 by 5 1/2 inch board as shown. The numbers
are lengths in inches.

roof can be made from a piece of exterior plywood about 7 by 9 inches.
Cutting the back edge at an angle will give a better fit against
the back board. Use a hole saw, coping saw or keyhole saw to cut
a 1 1/2 inch diameter entrance hole 1 1/8 away from the top edge
of the front piece. That size will discourage larger birds that
could raid the nest. No perch is necessary.
the diagram below. Use 6 penny nails when nailing near board ends
where the wood splits easily. Larger 8 penny nails at the centers
of the pieces' lengths give more strength. A hinge attaches the
roof to the back. That allows easy cleaning with a stiff brush at
season's end so it will be ready the following spring. A brass hinge
will not rust solid as soon as a steel one. Drill a 1/4 inch hole
at the top and bottom of the back piece so the nest can be hung
by two large nails. Finally drill a couple of 1/4 inch holes in
the floor for drainage and a couple of holes near the top of each
side for ventilation. Leaving the bird house unpainted may make
it more appealing to birds looking for a home.
